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Department of Statistics
Departmental student council


You want to reach out to us, or just stay informed? There are many possibilites.


The student council can be reached via E-Mail at fsrstatistik.tu-dortmundde. Of course, you can also contact the members personally.

Newsletter FS-Info

The student council has an E-mail newsletter. The FS-Info keeps you informed about talks, parties, board game nights and general news from the student council.

Subscribe: with an E-mail to fs-info+subscribestatistik.tu-dortmundde.
Unsubscribe: with an E-mail to fs-info+unsubscribestatistik.tu-dortmundde.

Social Media

You can find all important information on our website and in the FS-Info. Apart from that, we're also on the follwing social media platforms: